In just 70 years, nearly 100,000 new chemicals have been released into the environment, yet more than 85 percent of these have never been tested for human health effects!

We also have very little scientific knowledge about what happens when these chemicals enter or are already in our bodies. What we do know is that newborns are already exposed to some 300 environmental chemicals from the moment they are born. Research shows that many of these chemicals can be extremely toxic. One of the biggest areas of impact? Our hormones...

What are EDCs?

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are common in the plastics of our food containers, the herbicides, pesticides, and hormones used to grow our food, and in our water supply systems, as a result of agricultural and manufacturing contaminants. They are also found in the flame retardants in our clothing, cars, and home furnishings, in cigarette smoke, and in cosmetics. Sanitizers, ubiquitous in a post-COVID world, along with toothpaste, often contain triclosan, an endocrine disrupting chemical.

Common hormonal imbalances associated with EDCs include, but are not limited to:

  • Acne
  • Depression
  • Endometriosis
  • Fertility problems
  • Fibroids
  • Insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome
  • Irregular or painful menstruation
  • History of a miscarriage
  • Monthly breast tenderness and lumps
  • PMS
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Premature puberty
  • Weight problems
  • Breast or uterine cancer

We hear the term “hormones” a lot, but what does it really mean?

The simplest definition of hormones?

Hormones are chemicals produced by the body, either naturally or synthetically, that influence the body's growth and development processes by sending messages between cells.

Our body produces many hormones.

You’ve probably heard of estrogen, which is actually a group of chemicals that give women their round, feminine curves, keep bones strong, grow the lining of the uterus, and make sure women have their monthly cycles, and keep them moist in all the right places. Progesterone helps regulate our cycle and stabilizes a potential pregnancy. And testosterone, often thought of as a male hormone, also has important functions in women.

Other hormones include:

  • Thyroid Hormones - Regulates your energy, weight, metabolism and healthy hair. Regular cycles and sharp brain function
  • Insulin - Regulates how we use blood sugar, proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Leptin - Tells us when we are full
  • Cortisol - Determines our ability to respond to environmental stress and regulates the immune system
  • Oxytocin - The "love hormone" that is abundant in new mothers, influences love and bonding in us, throughout our lives

Endocrine disruptors are chemical pollutants

They mimic our own natural hormones. In doing so, they distort the messages that our cells give to each other. This can have a major or minor effect on any of the hormones listed above. More often, however, they mimic estrogen. These mixed chemical/natural hormones can cause imbalances that are associated with the majority of hormonal conditions that women experience. They can also cause serious diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

When pregnant women are exposed to hormone disruptors, they can interfere with critical developmental stages, increasing the babies' risk of developing birth defects.
The baby in the womb can also be at risk of becoming overweight and developing hormonal problems (even diabetes and cancer) in the long term. No one knows the full extent of the damaging effects of these hormone disruptors, nor how much is needed to cause harm.

Our daily choices have a huge impact on reducing our daily exposure to toxins.
Below are the top 10 things you can do to limit your exposure to hormone disruptors:

  • Toxin-free cosmetics: Use toxin-free cosmetics and avoid products that contain hormone disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Skin Deep is a great resource for learning which cosmetic ingredients are the safest.
  • Don't smoke - If you smoke, seek help to quit. Avoid second and third hand smoke (surfaces smokers have used, such as clothing, etc.) whenever possible.
  • Use Clean Cleaning Products - Household cleaning products are a common source of EDCs. Visit the Environmental Working Group website for more information on healthy cleaning products.
  • Beware of cookware - Nonstick cookware is a major source of toxic chemicals, so opt for stainless steel, cast iron or tempered glass for your cookware.
  • Proper Clothing for Health - This is especially important for our children! Look for cotton and other untreated fibers to avoid EDC heavy flame retardants in clothing.
  • Furniture and Carpeting - Flame retardants are also in our couches, our carpets, and other home furnishings. Go the extra mile and buy natural home furnishings instead; your health is worth it.
  • Choose Organic - All dairy should be organic for optimal health. Meat, poultry, and fish should ideally be organically farmed for you, the animals, and the planet. In particular, avoid foods that appear on the aforementioned EWG Dirty Dozen.
  • Cut the plastic - Chemicals in plastic packaging are known EDCs that easily leach into our food. Glass and stainless steel containers are a great alternative.
  • Be “water wise” – Drinking filtered water can minimize exposure to EDCs, which are found even in municipal water, where purification chemicals are often used.
  • Watch your weight and eating habits - Endocrine disruptors are lipophilic - they love fat! The more fat reserves we have, the more endocrine disruptors we pick up and store in our bodies.


As you can see above, the list of hormone health issues is extensive. Here are the best steps to prevent and reverse hormonal imbalances that result from hormone disruptors.

Good bowel movements :

Having a regular bowel movement every day helps your body flush out excess hormones. Not having regular “smooth movements”? Try flax, magnesium citrate, and fiber-rich greens.

Take probiotics.

Eat probiotic foods or take a probiotic supplement. Important for a healthy microbiome, which is partly responsible for hormone detoxification and elimination, probiotics can help prevent or clear excess estrogen and estrogen-mimicking EDCs.

Cleanse your liver.

Most hormone disruptors are detoxified in the liver, so excessive alcohol consumption and use of medicines should be avoided as much as possible. Alcohol and medication are taxing on the liver. However, always consult your doctor, never stop taking medication yourself! Herbs that specifically support the liver are: turmeric, artichoke leaf, milk thistle and dandelion root, all of which can be taken daily . A fantastic support is the Liver Vitality from Anima Mundi.

Important Note : Detoxing should not be done during pregnancy or breastfeeding. While most of these supplements are OK for nursing mothers, most are not recommended if you are currently pregnant.


I believe that the steps we take to change our own health will have a real impact on changing the world.

As more of us are able to use our financial resources to buy cleaner, safer food, greener household products, cosmetics, etc., the market will eventually respond with companies offering it. That’s how the market shifts and the world around us improves. Together, we can do it!

Original article written in English by: Aviva Romm, MD

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