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The scented candles from JOIK

A beautiful organic and sustainable brand, originated in Estonia, with continuous inspiration from the beautiful Etsky nature. The best natural ingredients are combined and this is noticeable in the wonderful scents of these special candles made from soy wax. For the Scandinavian design of the products, Joik regularly collaborates with local artists and designers.

JOIK: soy wax candles

Joik candles are made from soy wax, which makes them different from the paraffin candles that most people are familiar with. Soy wax is a natural, renewable raw material. Soy wax has a lower melting point than paraffin wax, which means they burn more slowly. Joja burns cleanly and is much better for the lungs. Besides contributing to nature, they also last longer!

The meaning of JOIK

The name JOIK comes from the word "joik" - the ancient singing style of the nature-loving Sami people. Joik is a unique form of cultural expression, conveying emotions and describing people, animals and nature. Joik carries on traditions, but at the same time is in constant development and in accordance with the contemporary world.

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8 products


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De bloemige aroma’s van zoete roos en geurige geranium komen samen in het frisse en delicate aroma van deze kaars.Organic Goodness sojawas kaars, met natuurlijke smudge kruiden en essentiële olieën.